Sign the Declaration


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In :
  • Individuals
  • Higher Education Institutions
  • Organisations
  • 325 Individuals
  • 22 Higher Education Institutions
  • 43 Organisations
  • 62 Countries

Our HEI signatories

Our HEI signatories share the collective commitment and aspiration to reduce inequality by increasing access to knowledge. Each are dedicated to accelerate, co-create, and widely disseminate knowledge according to the Declaration’s principles.

  • Logo for Ateneo de Manila University
  • Logo for Benedict College
  • Logo for Mahidol University
  • Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen logo
  • Technische Universiteit Delft logo
  • The International University of La Rioja (UNIR) logo
  • Universität Hamburg logo
  • Logo for University of Leeds
  • Logo for University of Macau
  • Logo for University of Nairobi
  • University of Pretoria logo
  • Image shows the University of Sousse logo
  • University of Western Cape logo: black text underneath and black crest on a white background
  • Image show the Utrecht University logo in black, white and grey on a white background.
  • Western Sydney University logo

Together we are stronger. Join us and help build a network that finds solutions to global challenges through sharing the power of knowledge.

Read the Declaration